Monday, July 22, 2019

Social Trends Essay Example for Free

Social Trends Essay This great movement was great in the way it was perceived to prepare people for death through making strong their faith. This was indeed a great deal in America during the colonial period. The likelihood of death was very prevalent all over in the colonial era (Butler, pp. 305-25). Deaths from floods, malnutrition, disease and other complications coming from childbirth were a common occurrence. Death was in the minds of all while making an effort to remain alive. The message from the church was that people would be part of devil’s accomplice because of their sins if they did not receive forgiveness from God. As a result of faith, quite a number of colonialists were of the opinion that they required their church on matters of clothing, food as well as shelter. Through strengthening the citizen’s faith, the church got hold of a very imperative role in the British Colony in the Northern part of America. Among these most famous men of this time were people like George Whitefield who was quite outspoken as well as adored and at the same time feared owing to his messages. It is said that George preached to 19,000 people in Boston in a period of three days. As though that was not enough, he left a group of 25,000 individuals being disturbed by the fear of everlasting damnation. The inspiration that came to people was to move out and establish churches in their own cities; construct houses for the disadvantaged and also employ ministers to assist them in sustaining their new and wholesome life of Christianity (Butler, pp. 305-25). Economic Trends As a result of the great awakening, many individuals resigned in their jobs and embarked on a journey of a travelling minister. There was now a great and spontaneous entry of ministers to the colonial America. These preachers were not ordained. They included uneducated farmers who regarded themselves as the poor of Christ. The core mission was to stress equality in humanity as well as emphasising that heaven was a home for the poor and not the rich. They emerged as wandering preachers who extended the Great Awakening amidst the poor and the rich, the illiterate and the educated, and also in the black-nation together with seaboard cities and towns. Conclusion Even though the Great Awakening based on religious foundations came to a brick wall by years after 1740, the effects therein were far reaching. In New England together with the South, changes started to weaken the authority of the culture of the upper class. This was a change that was anticipated for in the colonial America. Condemnation to the poor was evident because of their dirty lifestyle which differed with the very articulate lifestyle of the upper class. The Great Awakening in the end led to change of opinions and values that influenced politics together with daily life. There was a self-worth in the common man. Individuals assumed other responsibilities in dealings of religion. They on the other hand became sceptical of the already existing authority and belief systems. These particular values have been the core values of the society of America from the time of the Great Awakening and are perceived to last for years in the future (Butler, pp. 305-25). Work Cited Butler, Jon. Enthusiasm Described and Decried: The Great Awakening as Interpretative Fiction. Journal of American History 69 (1982): 305-25

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